Shrub / Perennial

Salvia sonomensis

Easy to Grow

Blue and Lavender Flowers in Spring and Summer

Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Bees, Caterpillars, and 11 species of Butterflies and Moths

The plant’s mat-forming roots help retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation at the surface, which benefits surrounding plants in drought-prone environments.

In addition to soil stabilization, the shallow roots and aromatic foliage of Sonoma sage help suppress weed growth, making it a valuable ground cover in native gardens. Its fragrant leaves and pale lavender to blue flowers attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, while providing a resilient, low-maintenance habitat for native species in dryland landscapes.

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Type: Perennial
Size To 2 ft

Watering: Maximum Summer Water 3 x / Month
uses: Deer Resistant

Maya Normandi

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California Wildrose


Blue Elderberry