Marin Backyard Habitats
The Marin Backyard Habitats program invites you to transform your yard into a thriving habitat by planting native species that support local wildlife, conserve water, and improve soil health.
By replacing invasive plants and reducing pesticide use, you can protect waterways from pollution and create a sanctuary for birds, bees, bats, butterflies, and more.
Start your journey to creating a healthy backyard habitat by selecting plants from the searchable Marin Local Native Plant Guide listing below .
Here we have suggested over 40 resilient local native plants that will enrich your garden, improve your appreciation of local wildlife and enhance the resilience of your neighborhood.
Coyote Mint
Monardella villosa
Easy to Grow
Pink Lavender Flowers in Spring .
Often becomes dormant in Summer Heat
Supports Humming Birds, Bats, Bird, Bees, Catterpillars and 11 species of Butterflies and Moths
Indigenous peoples of California are known to have used Coyote Mint for medicinal purposes, often utilizing their aromatic properties for teas
Type: Perennial
Size: To 2 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 2x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Fire Safe, Will grow in Pots
Evening Primrose
Oenothera elata
Easy to Grow
Yellow , Orange Flowers in Summer and Fall
as name implies flowers close at mid day but open in the evening
Supports Bats, Caterpillars Hummingbirds and 15 species of Butterflies and Moths
Its fragrance is known to attract lined sphinx moth as well as other moths at night.
The seeds attract goldfinch.
Type: Perennial
Size: To 3 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Week
USes: Self-Seeds
Hummingbird Sage
Salvia spathacea
Easy to Grow
Pink and Red Flowers in Winter , Spring and Summer
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Bees, Birds and 11 species of Catterpillars and Moths
Native Californian tribes, such as the Chumash, valued S. spathacea for its medicinal and aromatic qualities
Type: Perennial
Size: To 2 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 2 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Will grow in Pots
Bee Plant
Scrophularia californica
Easy to Grow
Red Flowers in Winter and Spring
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Bees, Birds, Caterpillars and 12 species of Butterflies and Moths
As the name suggests, bees are extremely attracted to the flowers. It is also a host plant for many butterflies, an important food source for small wasps and hummingbirds. The flowers are ideal for native bees, especially bumblebees
Size: To 3 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 2 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Self Seeds
California Aster
Symphyotrichum chilense
Easy to Grow
Blue , Lavender Flowers in the Summer
Supports Bats, Birds, Bees, Caterpillars and 10 species of Butterflies and Moths
Blooming from late summer to early fall, its clusters of lavender to pale purple flowers are magnets for native bees, butterflies (such as the painted lady and monarch), and other pollinating insects that rely on late-season nectar sources. This extended bloom time also makes it a useful plant for creating seasonally diverse habitat gardens that support pollinators through the year.
Type: Perennial
Size: To 3 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Fire Safe, Will grow in Pots
Common Manzanita
Tree / Shrub
Arctostaphylos manzanita
Easy to Grow
Evergreen, small white Flowers Winter and Spring forming small fruit resembling “little apples” as the Spanish word
manzanita implies
Supports over 50 species of Caterpillar, Butterflies and Moths
There are many different species, hybrids, and varieties of Manzanitas native to California. They vary in size, flower color, and more, making them an excellent option for most gardens.Tshey are a pollinator and wildlife all-star, supporting local birds and insects.
Plants in this family are highly mycorrhizal (associated with symbiotic fungi). This allows them to survive in many harsh environments; however, it also makes them very susceptible to over watering and fertilizing. They really do not like to be summer watered nor fertilized. If grown correctly these plants, especially the larger forms, will grow for more than 100 years.
Type Shrub / Tree
Size: 3ft To over 6 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Fire Safe, Self Seeds, Will grow in Pots
California Sagebrush
Artemisia californica
Easy to Grow
Very aromatic and fragrant silvery-green foliage
Supports Bats, Birds, Caterpillars, and 26 species of Butterflies and Moths
California sagebrush is the preferred nesting site of the rare and threatened California gnat catcher. The California Quail also value this shrub for habitat.
Type: Shrub Tree
Size: 1 To 8 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant
Coyote Bush
Baccharis pilularis
Easy to Grow
White Flowers in Spring, Summer, Fall
Supports Bats, Catterpillars, and 29 species of Butterflies and Moths
An amazing pioneer species field study has shown Baccharis to send roots as deep as 10 feet . The extensive root structure also allows these plants to access deep water sources which it also makes available to surrounding plants
Type Shrub
Size:2 ft to 6
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Week
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant
Blueblossom Ceanothus
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus
Purple and White Flowers in Winter and Spring
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Birds, Bees, Catterpillars, and 93 species of Butterflies and Moths!
Varying dramatically in form and size over its natural range, some plants grow fairly upright to 30 feet and others grow in a mounding form to only 2-3 feet tall.
Type: Annual Grass Perennial Herbaceous Shrub Tree
Size: 3 To 30 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
uses: a habitat superstar!
Western Redbud
Tree / Shrub
Cercis occidentalis
Easy to Grow
Purple and Pink Flowers in Winter and Spring as foliage also turns color
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Birds, Bees, Caterpillars and 11 species of Butterflies and Moths
Native Leafcutter Bees especially like the flowers
This Shrub / Tree is a legume and adds nitrogen to the soil
Type: Shrub / Tree
Size:10 To 20 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Week
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Fire Safe
Sticky monkeyflower
Diplacus aurantiacus
Orange, Red Flowers in Winter, Spring, and Summer
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Bees, Birds, Catterpillars and 8 species of Butterflies
Exceptionally deep root systems to 6 feet or more
Type: Shrub Tree
Size: To 4 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
uses: TAGS Deer Resistant, Fire Safe
Frangula californica
Easy to Grow
Small Flowers turn into Blue and black Fruit in Summer
Supports Bats, Catterpillars, and 33 species of Butterflies and Moths
Small flowers attract native bees and hummingbirds in spring. Fall Berries are eaten eagerly by birds
Deep, fibrous roots contribute significantly to soil stabilization, especially on slopes and in erosion-prone areas. These roots also enrich the soil by supporting beneficial soil microbes and mycorrhizal fungi.
Type: Shrub
Size: 6 To 15 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 2 x / Month
uses: Will grow in Pots
Tree / Shrub
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Easy to Grow
White Flowers in the Summer followed by Fall and Winter Red Berries
Supports Bats, Birds, Bees, Caterpillars, and 8 species of Butterflies and Moths
An important nectar plant for the California Tortoiseshell butterfly.
The berries are eaten by many birds, including Mockingbirds, American Robins, and Cedar Waxwings. Mammals including coyotes also eat and disperse the berries.
Grows to 15 feet tall a good choice for erosion control, fire resistance, and as an informal hedge in the landscape.
A great native alternative to exotic Pyracantha and Cotoneaster.
Type: Tree
Size: To 15 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 2 x / Month
Uses: Deer Resistant
Red Flowering Currant
Ribes sanguineum
Easy to Grow
Red and Pink Winter and Spring Flowers
Supports Hummingbirds, Bats, Bees, Birds, Catterpilars and 86 species of Butterflies and Moths !
Ecological History
Type: Annual Grass Perennial Herbaceous Shrub Tree
Size: 6 To 10 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 3 x / Month
uses: Deer Resistant
California Wildrose
Rosa californica
Easy to Grow
Pink, White Flowers in Spring and Summer
The large pink flowers have a rich rose fragrance and the brightly colored fruits attract pollinators and birds.
Supports Bats, Catterpillars, and 72 species of Butterflies and Moths
The flowers attract butterflies and other pollinators. In fall, it produces deep red rose hips that provide food for birds.
The thickets provide cover for wildlife.
Type: Shrub Tree
Size: To 6 ft tall or more
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 3 x / Month
uses: Hedge
Blue Elderberry
Tree / Shrub
Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea
White Spring Flowers and Summer Fruit
Supports Bats, Birds, Bees, Hummingbirds, Caterpillars and 23 species of Butterflies and Moths
Berries are a good for source for wildlife and are edible for humans only after cooking.
Type: Annual Grass Perennial Herbaceous Shrub Tree
Size: To ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
Uses: Deer Resistant
Evergreen Huckleberry
Vaccinium ovatum
White Spring Flowers followed by Blue Edible Fruits for people and wildlife
Will produce more berries in full sun and will grow taller in shade
Supports Bats, Caterpillars, Hummingbirds,Bees, and 54 species of Butterflies and Moths!
Many species of birds and small mammals eat the berries Both birds and mammals use the thickets as habitat.
Type: Shrub
Size: 2 To 8 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 3 x / Month
uses: Will grow in Pots
Coast Live Oak
Quercus agrifolia
Evergreen Oak. An ideal Shade tree with very deep roots.
Supports Bats, Birds, Caterpillars, and 163 species of Butterflies and Moths
A true keystone species supporting a myriad of life forms
Type: Tree
Size: To 25 ft and more
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month
Notes: Deer Resistant, Fire Safe, Grow in Containers
Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
White to pink Spring flowers followed by orange Fall berries.
A broadleaf evergreen with rich orange-red bark that peels away on the mature smooth wood,.
Supports Bats, Bees, Birds, Hummingbirds, Caterpillars and 40 Species of Butterflies and Moths
Type: Tree
Size: To 20 ft
Watering: Maximum Summer Water 1 x / Month